Alone in This Together: A Fashion Editorial on Winter Blues

Alone in This Together: A Fashion Editorial on Winter Blues

Cast your mind back to earlier this year. It’s January 16th, 8:39am. You’ve snoozed your alarm four times already, but you still can’t bear to get up. Twelve minutes ago, after snooze

Returning to Eden: The Latest Collection from Bandit Studioz [@jachukuomotayo]

Returning to Eden: The Latest Collection from Bandit Studioz [@jachukuomotayo]

Bandit Studioz founder Jachuku Howard started designing ten years ago, just after he left high school. Bandit Studioz was founded in 2019, and was initially best known for their colourful crochet hats,

An Interview With Karanjee Gaba: Louis Vuitton’s First Sikh Model

An Interview With Karanjee Gaba: Louis Vuitton’s First Sikh Model

In 2022 Karanjee Gaba was the first Sikh model to feature in a Louis Vuitton campaign, wearing a beautiful bright pink suit and a black turban. Social media and publications alike were

How Converse is Championing Young Creatives

How Converse is Championing Young Creatives

In December 2022 I got the pleasure of being invited to a special experimentation experience at The Converse Concept Creation Center— more commonly known as “C4”. C4 is a hub for Converse

Best Hairstyles at the GUAP GALA 2022

Best Hairstyles at the GUAP GALA 2022

There were so many creative hairstyles at the GUAP Gala. The fairytale & folklore theme meant that there were lots of tiaras, top hats and crowns, but that wasn’t all. We had

Best Makeup at the GUAP Gala 2022 [@ashleyverse @h4y44t @kwajohousing @wsa195]

Best Makeup at the GUAP Gala 2022 [@ashleyverse @h4y44t @kwajohousing @wsa195]

With fairytale and folklore as the theme for the GUAP Gala this year, guests had a lot to play with when it came to makeup. We saw butterfly tooth gems, diamanté eye

Best Sustainable Outfit at the GUAP Gala

Best Sustainable Outfit at the GUAP Gala

The world is on fire. Natural disasters are on the rise and the fashion industry is responsible for more carbon dioxide emissions than international flights and shipping combined. Increasingly, people are starting

GUAP Gala 2022: Best Interpretation of the Theme [@SHAUNSKY_]

GUAP Gala 2022: Best Interpretation of the Theme [@SHAUNSKY_]

What comes to mind when you hear the words fairytale & folklore? The 2022 GUAP Gala on Friday saw guests interpret the theme in a variety of ways. A lot of people