Vibbar drop visuals to ‘Snapchat’

Vibbar release visuals to the Poet fronted track ‘Snapchat’.

‘Snapchat’ is Poet‘s ode to the mother of his kids or in his words:

“It was my way of saying we should get married. In a cheeky way.”

Poet’s Instagram

And who are we to argue with the author? More so it does a perfect job of capturing the essence of the track in a short but sweet way. So whilst content-wise that’s the overview it doesn’t do the whole song justice. People should never forget that Poet was a rapper before he was ever a presenter and personality. On ‘Snapchat’ he very clearly reminds us of this. Lyrically it is very dense, and he tackles it all with a level of nonchalance in his delivery that makes the performance even more impressive.

The producer TJ equally does an amazing job on this one. The track has an idyllic sound that provides the perfect bed for Poet‘s delivery to lay upon. Not only does it compliment it, but it also sets the tone for it when the first few chords begin just before the verse starts. If you’re into the sounds that currently dominate the charts or make the biggest waves amongst the rap scene, this isn’t that type of production. The production on ‘Snapchat’ isn’t there to be consumed quickly and absorbed into the masses, it’s a track for the real music lovers by real music lovers.


Visuals are directed and edited by Andres, produced by Kammy, with Parmer as the DOP, and Kumiko as the camera operator. Those might not be the biggest names in the industry but they did an amazing job. More so than that just knowing how Vibbar are, if any of the team aren’t directly in-house they are definitely friends that they respect highly for their craft and that aspect of Vibbar is dope. The video follows Poet on a journey contrasted with the journey of a relationship which fits the track’s content and mood well.

You can stream ‘Snapchat’ and the San Junipero project it was taken from here.