UOOYAA’s Post-Apocalyptic AW20 collection Imagines A Future Based On Our Current Reality

UOOYAA (pronounced as “ow-ya”) was established in 2013 by Jinxia Yin with quirky creativity and unrestricted imagination at the heart of their pieces. Their A/W 20 collection expands on the DNA of their brand imagining a future where our imaginations might be all we have.

The topic of the future has been discussed, speculated and fabricated for generations. The life we live today stems from decades of imagination solidified through literary and artistic creations, emblazoned with rational thinking.
These critical predictions often pair with our very basic level of assumption where rationality is extremely limited, as we tend to overvalue rationality, believing the future is supposed to be the way we have predicted it to be.

However, the future is never certain – in reality we never change the real world, we only change the world that we can recognise and imagine. The real world has always sat by idly and watched us quietly.
UOOYAA believe the best design for the world should take into account rationality and progressive thinking, admitting our ignorance whilst maintaining our respect of the world and cherishing the present.

UOOYAA’s A/W 20 collection imagines the future in a very un-futuristic way: a content farm in the countryside, an old southern town embellished with antique furniture and children’s toys, which have yet to be abandoned.
People have finally realised what is important in life after the takeover of technology. Daily lives consist of professional, functional outerwear which were already a part of our lives but now with no occasion to where them for, UOOYAA present exaggerated outlines lacking practical value but beaming with the satisfaction of one’s own aesthetic.

In the market, everyday people – retired elders, city professionals, fashionistas, firefighters – shop side by side in their new version of normality. UOOYAA imagines a future formed from our current reality. Exploring it with an open-minded, child-like curiosity woven with a conservative thread to ground it in the real world.
With the realisation that it’s necessary to utilise an even stronger ability of imagination in our current times, UOOYAA doesn’t set limits, instead recognising that it is you who has the power to keep our world evolving by expanding your imagination.