Born and raised in the heart of Ladbrooke Grove, Safiyyah has quickly become one of the most exciting and innovative singer-songwriters to come out of the capital in recent years. Effortlessly bridging the gap between R&B, Neo-Soul and Contemporary Jazz, Safiyyah’s EP touches upon important themes of community, nostalgia, culture and relationships, delivered in her irresistible cadence and smooth flow. Her rich cultural heritage of Portuguese and Moroccan descent shines through every aspect of her artistry.

The EP Title
The title came about after completing all the tracks, and quite literally going through different emotions and feelings throughout the creative process. Each track is sort of dedicated to a different mood/emotion I was feeling in a relationship. The ups and downs and the journey I went through, which is why I decided to name it ‘Motions’ because sometimes whether we like it or not we are always moving and growing and feeling. Good or bad.
No Pressure
At this moment, ‘No pressure’ is my favourite track from the project. The reason is because I think it stands out in comparison to the other tracks in terms of the genre/feel of it. Produced by OJ Hodding who has worked with other amazing artists. I love how it has R&B elements as well as Drill to give it more impact. The meaning behind the track was just about falling for someone but trying not to show all your cards early to avoid being hurt.
Der Sommer
The name of this track is interesting, although I’m not German, Der Sommer is translated as ‘The Summer’ which was inspired during creating this track with my friend who is half German. This freestyle/interlude track is about summer ending, relationships ending, and letting go. It has that uplifting yet melancholy vibe to it. Creating this one was one of my favourites to do as it mostly stemmed from just jamming with good people.
This track was more of an uplifting one about that honeymoon phase feeling, just wanting to be with that person all the time and profess your love. The stripped back feel of the song, I love very much and just adds to the feel of the whole meaning.
This track was a dreamy ode to my home in Lisbon, Portugal. I wrote this on a cold, rainy day in London with a sense of longing, in love and in life. I was feeling like I wanted to escape to a sunny place whilst feeling isolated and confused about love. Sometimes London can feel depressing and that feeling of a beautiful beach and sun gives me peace which I tried to incorpate in the song.
Listen to the EP here, and read more from the GUAP’s music section.