South London Smooth: Speaking to DC [@dcworldmg] about his latest project ‘In The Loop’ and more
![South London Smooth: Speaking to DC [@dcworldmg] about his latest project ‘In The Loop’ and more](
South London has a reputation but a new wave of artists including DC are changing that perception.
DC is a man with a plan and someone who you’ve probably been hearing about for years but not always seeing front and centre. This is all down to his ethos of staying true to himself and creating in the way that works for him – which goes completely against the grain of the industry which is all about constantly being in people’s faces. The South London native recently released his In The Loop EP which almost mirrors that mindset and takes us on a journey both literally and metaphorically. With that in mind, it was time to talk music and more with South London’s smoothest resident.
Zweli: So why the name DC?
DC: DC literally stands for Dock City. It’s the place I grew up, Woolwich Dockyard and at the time I was a huge Meek fan, I still am, so he ran with Dream Chasers and then I had Dock City so it just made sense.
Z: So where did the love of music even start for you?
DC: Bro, I’ll say when I was about fourteen maybe. There was a Biggie album, you know The Biggie Duets album with Nasty Girl and all that? I think that was the first project I started writing stuff to. Yeah, I’d say that was the beginning, the early stages.
Z: So when did you start taking it seriously?
DC: Probably when I got to uni when I was 20. That’s…no prior to that to be fair. In college I was going studio recording tracks but I wasn’t releasing them. I’d just send them to friends and what not. Then I would say, I think I released one song on SoundCloud prior to ‘Gleamin’ and then when I went when I was at uni, I just did a freestyle in my accommodation room. And yeah that’s how ‘Gleamin’ became what it was.
Z: What made ‘Gleamin’ that song for you that made you say this is the one that this is where I need to take it a bit more seriously?
DC: I think it was just a reaction, ‘cause when I did the freestyle and put it on Twitter it was just me in my uni room. The reaction was sick so that kind of convinced me, like “might as well do this properly” f’you get me so yeah, that was pretty much why.
Z: You obviously mentioned Dock City, you’re from South. What do you think people’s perception of South is?
DC: I think that people think South is a very dangerous place [laughs]. Which it can be init, but at the same time this is home, so I wouldn’t…yeah I guess it’s like everywhere else to be fair.
Z: With that kind of stereotype you kinda break the mould as an artist. You have the South London element but at the same time you’re kind of smooth with it as well. What is it that drew you to even be like that? Or was it just natural?
DC: It’s just who I am bro, I can’t even come up with anything more than that.
Z :Obviously you have a new project out, why the name In The Loop?
DC: In The Loop literally means information known to privileged few. It’s kind of like “if you know you know” kind of thing init. A lot of things are speak about on the project like for example the experiences I talk about, if you’ve been through the same thing then you’re in the loop you know I’m saying. I just felt like it made a lot of sense.
Z: What’s your process like when it comes to making projects or even if it’s easier the process when it comes to making a song?
DC: I like to write home. I’m not one of them guys that can chill in the studio for 12 hours, I don’t like it. I prefer to start something at home and then come and build something around what I’ve got. Same with a project. I just keep making songs until I feel as though like maybe the first two or three [songs] sound like they could go well together and then I have a kind of direction to go in from there d’you feel me.
Z: Why did she choose to include skits on this project?
DC: I think it makes sense in terms of transitioning between the different vibes. I think skits are kind of like the glue. You can really paint a picture with skits as well. I think the skits allowed me to set the scene of being on the train.
Z: You kept to only having one feature on the project. What made Knucks that right feature?
DC: We actually worked together years ago. We’d made one or two songs and it was always like a thing that was bound to happen, and we were trying to make happen. It just made sense man, it just made a lot of sense init. You get me, I fuck with Knucks I really mess with the music.
Z: And so last one,what would be the most important thing you would want people to take away from the project?
DC: I would say just being yourself is enough init. It will take you far and it’ll be worth it. It might take longer, but just being your true self is definitely worth it.

Words & interview – Zweli Chibumba
Photography – Shenell Kennedy
Styling – El-shaddai Nyagodzi