Calling All Girl Bosses! Influencer Patricia Bright is Spilling All The Tea. [@patriciabright]

Boss Up with Patricia Bright’s Brand New Platform.

Your favourite Youtube Superstar; Patricia Bright is spilling all the tea this year with her new YouTube channel, The Break Platform. Though being known for breaking down her beauty routines and reviewing all the latest clothing trends. Patricia Bright also has a finance background and worked in accounting before making the transition of becoming a full-time YouTuber and influencer. With the social media following of a rockstar, Bright has never been shy about giving her supporters an insight on the practical knowledge it takes to one day be as successful as her. 

Patricia Bright is a trailblazer of an industry that is still a mystery to so many people. As the digital age has rapidly grown over the years, so has she. We have watched her content visually become the quality of our favourite television shows and we have indulged in her personal confessionals about relationships, body issues, mental health, and motherhood. She is the older sister that a lot of us wished we had. And a modern woman who is not afraid, to tell the truth about her money and how she gets it. 

At the end of 2019, Bright teased the release of ‘The Break Platform’. Many assumed that like Patricia’s influencer peers, another perfume, eyeshadow palette or gym line would be shoved in their faces for immediate purchase. But instead, the platform revealed itself to be a place of learning. Available to follow on YouTube and Instagram, ‘The Break Platform’ is made for all the money-minded girls and women who want to delve deeper into the world of financial management, entrepreneurial skills, and career success. 

Patricia Bright gets candid about her achievements and even goes as far as showing us her £65,000 annual salary and how she budgets and invests. She is teaching us all how to fish for ourselves, so whether you are a 17-year old student getting ready to start university or a 20-something-year-old freelancer who wants to level up her game. Head to ‘The Break Platform’ to learn from girl boss herself, Mrs. Patricia Bright. 

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