Nightlife trailblazers wanted in Jagermeister fund #SAVETHENIGHT

Nightlife spaces have always played a crucial part in the UK’s cultural landscape. However, following a report announcing that a third of London’s nightclubs closed down since the pandemic started, their existence has been under threat.
These spaces are vital not only because they allow people to unwind and unravel following stressful work weeks, but they are also able to trigger euphoria and build community – especially for marginalised folks. Aware of the value of nightlife, Jagermeister is on a mission to preserve these rich spots with their new initiative: #SAVETHENIGHT.
For the second year in a row, the alcohol company has set up a fund looking to offer financial support and coaching to innovative ideators who want to launch a new night. This time around they have teamed up with music platform Resident Advisor and iconic club Fabric to support nightlife entrepreneurial spirits. Offering €100.000 bursaries they are looking “to address the issues threatening the beauty, safety and sanctity of dance floors around the world.”
Accepting applications from all over the world by any applicant who is over 21 years old, regardless of experience, interested event producers need to answer the following question: How can we contribute to making nightlife better for you and your community?
Successful applicants will receive funding, mentorship and marketing support to deliver their project in 2024, and saving the future of nightlife.
All information on Save The Night here, with applications closing on the 1st of November 2023.
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