MUXXXE [@muxxxe]- Tijuana’s “Third Gender” Artist Releases EP ‘PORCELANA MORENA’

MUXXXE [@muxxxe]- Tijuana’s “Third Gender” Artist Releases EP ‘PORCELANA MORENA’

Words by: Andrea Susarrey

Muxxxe is breaking boundaries and pioneering a movement whilst blending music with political statements.

Muxxxe is a multidisciplinary trans/queer artist from Tijuana, Mexico, continuously pushing boundaries. Their face is always veiled but they’re never timidly dressed – the anonymous yet conspicuous artist presents themself as “the third gender”.  They recently released their new EP, PORCELANA MORENA, a compilation of intense reggaeton, bounce, rap, and perreo sounds that came out in July of 2021. With song titles from PORCELANA MORENA  like “FINA”, “CUELLO”, ”BESO NEGRO”, “CHULA” (slut version), ”SIN LLORAR”, “YAMAMOTO”, this 6 track project is a sonic narration of their experience identifying as trans/ queer. 

“PORCELANA MORENA is a love letter to my roots, my culture, my skin colour, it’s a journey through my darkest fantasies, an audiovisual experience in which I present myself to and for the world.”

They intrinsically reflect their reality which is Tijuana, a border town between Mexico and the United States. The constant migration, transitions, and hope of being neither here nor there yet both is a common theme that spills into not only their persona but their art as well. Their music is a compilation of these complex themes and realities existing in one person’s experience.

Muxxxe says, “I make a critical reflection on what it means to be a “queer” latinx living on the border of a third world country, and through that identity explore larger realities/ problems: from the unique relationship between Tijuana and the United States, our obsession with beauty and technology,”

Fearless and daring, often bordering on performance art Muxxxe is continuously pushing borders and filling in the empty spaces in between. Often in acts of social solidarity, Muxxxe has performed on the streets of Tijuana. This has been as a statement and stance against the US government’s actions and its effects on the Mexican and South American migrants trying to enter The States. They made Me Rio En Tu Cara and Chula, a series of “interventions” at the international border between Tijuana and San Diego – in which they presented themselves as a “street singer”, in what they call a “flirtatious response”  after the Trump administration tear gassed the migrant caravans entering the US from South America.

Muxxxe’s EP deepens a conversation on what it means to create the space you want to inhabit. Their mode may be loud and very specific to them in place and time, but their boldness can’t be ignored and is not only admirable but exemplary.