#MetGalaChallenge: Met Gala Lives On Through The Fashion Community

Reminiscing on last years Met Mala celebs are posting throwbacks of some of their favourite Met Gala looks on Instagram and queen of the modelling world now with her own show ‘No filter’ inviting celebrities to talk and share some knowledge on their industry, Naomi Campbell has taken to her youtube channel to try on her favourite Met Gala look as well as discussing on Vogue’s youtube channel 13 Met Gala looks from the ’90s till now. Although we won’t be seeing any new looks this year the global fashion community has stepped in to keep the Met Gala spirit alive through Billy Porter’s Met Gala challenge. Instagram users are recreating iconic Met Gala moments using all kinds of materials laying around the house. We’ve seen a full range of materials from mannequin heads, old Christmas wrapping paper, fairy lights, bin bags, knives, breadsticks and the list goes on.
With a bit of spare time on our hands’ fashion fans have dived into the challenge bringing out the best of our creativity that may be slowly dwindling during lockdown. Not only are these challenges fun and entertaining but they are a way to remind us through fashion how beautiful the human imagination is, despite what some may call an uninspiring time we are still seeing new ideas, new challenges and entertainment being released. Some of the things we really couldn’t survive without during this quarantine and have helped a lot of us stay sane have been created using creativity and imagination, books, music, art, fashion, movies and so much more are all things we would not have without the power of our imagination. These challenges keep our minds stimulated and let us know that there will be life after all this so we simply can’t stop creating.
Here are some of our favourite recreated MetGala looks, get inspired and get involved!