Meet Aaron Avont Johnson [@AaronJFans1] The 17 Year Old Award Winning Director & Writer

Aaron Avont JohnsonMeet Aaron Avont Johnson, the award winning  17 – year old director and writer from Miami who is picking up awards for his new project ‘LOST’. Aaron was a nominee at this years Filmmaker international Film Festival Award, which took place in London, where his film picked up Best New Filmmaker and Best Leading Actress.

His new project ‘LOST’ is a touching story about a boys lack of belonging ,in a world that seems to take everything away from him that he loves.

We had the chance to ask Aaron a few questions before his big night at the award show.

You found your passion from a very young age, what first interested you in directing ?

Aaron: I found an interest in directing after directing a few short films I’ve done in the past. Currently after directing my newest feature LOST and a short MYA. Im still learning my directors flow, but I truly enjoy it.

Directing can seem alien to most people because it’s a role behind the cameras, how did you go about learning the relevant skills you needed for the role of directing?

Aaron: Its all about research, we have the worlds knowledge at our finger tips now with advanced technology. Everything I’ve learned develop from self education and experience.

At the tender age of 17 you’ve directed a film called ‘Lost’, it’s a touching and moving story about a young black man no sense of belonging. How did you get involved with the project ?

Aaron: Well, I wrote and directed this film. I believed in this project whole heartily and I believe it is a film that can touch the hearts of many.

There’s a lack of black representation in the film industry both in-front and behind the cameras. Has this ever demotivated you and who can you say has been your biggest inspiration?

Aaron: Not in the least, my motivation for the film industry doesn’t come from others presence in positions. Im self motivated, self driven and one of my biggest inspirations in the industry is Tyler Perry and James Wan.

What kind of stories are you most interested in telling through directing ?

Aaron: Im interested in all stories, at the end of the day a story is presented to have an affect on those who watch; as long as it draws the audience to a place of self reflection or relativity.

Are there any projects your currently working on that you can give us an insight into?

Aaron: Yes, I have a new feature entitled “The Christmas Wedding” which will be produced in the summer of 2018. Its a comedy, that has a general theme of forgiveness but it is sprinkled with coats of non stop laughter.

And finally are you listening to any UK music right now ? and if so who are you listening to ?

Aaron: Not currently, but I would love to hear the UK Music and what it have to offer. I’m a person who appreciates all creativity.

Be sure to check out ‘LOST’ which will be out in March 2018.