Could More Life Be Drake’s [@Drake] best piece of work? Here’s our review!
![Could More Life Be Drake’s [@Drake] best piece of work? Here’s our review!](
Drake did it again, More Life has landed.
The 22-track “playlist” dropped on Saturday the 18th sending social media into a frenzy. With features from the likes of Giggs and Jorja Smith, Drake didn’t stop short with guests. With that being said I have decided to speak open and honestly about the playlist giving us all More Life.
Track 1. “Free smoke” (Produced by Allen Ritter and Boi-1Da)
What an intro to this playlist. The way that Hiatus Kaiyote comes in at the beginning of the track isn’t something you expect for the start of a Drake album, then it just fades out and Drake comes in straight. The rest of the song is Drake at his finest. Straight away I was impressed with what this project was going to give.
Track 2. “No Long Talk” Feat. Giggs (Produced by Murda Beatz)
Jamaican Drake comes in on this with Giggs deep tone rolling in as the feature. There was a reason why he made this the second track; he wanted us to know that this wasn’t any normal piece of work. I have heard Giggs rap better, but he has done big things putting SN1 on the map as well as the U.K.
Track 3. “Passionfruit” (Produced by Nana Rogues)
This is my favourite song off the project so far and not for any other reason than the feel good, sensual instrumental that presents itself with Detroit legend Moodymann talking to a crowd which Drake samples from Moodymann’s 2010 set in Manchester. The song as a whole is just such a vibe and I love it. Nana Rogues and Drake really pulled it off in this one.
Track 4. “Jorja Interlude” Feat. Jorja Smith (Produced by 40)
This song was a solid Interlude. I liked the way it had the ‘Doing it wrong’ sample from Drake’s ‘Take Care’ album intertwined within it and with Jorja coming in with her smooth vocals. It was just a well-rounded song.
Track 5. “Get It Together” Feat. Jorja Smith and Black Coffee (Produced by Nineteen85)
This song is a bit lower down on the ranking in my opinion. J-Lo was supposed to be the feature in this and so with that being said I expected a lot more. Jorja Smith came in with the vocals and South African house producer; Black Coffee sampled the majority of the track. However I just didn’t see the fit with the album. Hate me if you must, this is all my opinion remember.
Track 6. “Madiba Riddim” (Produced by Nineteen85 and Frank Dukes)
Another vibe. I like the way that Drake has made sure this album is a summer classic; it was a smart move for the upcoming months. However this song was just like filler for me. Drake let’s us know that voodoo spells have been cast on him, which was intense, overall it was just another classic Drake song.
Track 7. “Blem” (Produced by T-Minus)
Drake is the only American I know to drop the word wasteman so casually. “I need you to stop runnin’ back to your ex, he’s a wasteman”. This song is once again another filler for me. It is interesting to see how much Drake pulls from the U.K culture though.
Track 8. “4422” Feat. Sampha (Produced by Francisgotheat)
Sampha’s killer vocals come in hot on 4422. I remember their work together on the song ‘Too Much’ back on Drake’s ‘ Nothing Was The Same’ album so I wasn’t surprised when I saw this feature. This song is a great follow up from Sampha’s new album ‘Process’, big up Sampha!
Track 9. Gyalchester (Produced by Ibeatz)
The title in itself is hilarious but this is a good song. The Ad-libs in the back make this song a whole lot more hype. As an ‘If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late’ fan, Gyalchester makes me reminiscent of this album. I love when Drake drops a hype track on us.
Track 10. Skepta Interlude Feat. Skepta (Produced by Nana Rogues)
Big up Skepta every time. What an interlude, the fact that he isn’t even a feature and he has that whole song to show America what the UK has got is simply impressive. Skepta always delivers the best and this song is no different. Drake has always showed love to BBK and the U.K scene so I respect what he is doing.
Track 11. Portland Feat. Travis Scott and Quavo (Produced by Murda Beatz)
I love that this whole flute/Legend of Zelda type beat is coming into trend. So yes, this song is top on the list. Drake took a little bit of a backseat on this song, but he still has the best verse. Quavo came in with the feature, which we all knew was going to be good from the start, as Migos have been killing it. Travis Scott came in second and as I’m not the biggest fan of Travis I was surprised at how good his verse was, definitely a good song.
Track 12. Sacrifices Feat. 2 Chainz and Young Thug (Produced by T-Minus)
Drake came in very hot with this track. But I have to give it to 2 Chainz on his feature, “Got wood on the Cartiers; that’s a face full of splinters”. He always seems to kill it as a feature with ‘Mercy’ being the best example. Young Thug then jumps on the track and I could understand everything he said, while holding his own on this. 100% one of the biggest surprises of this album.
Track 13. Nothings Into Somethings (Produced by G.Ry)
Emotional Drake came into this one. With a simple beat and a smooth verse Drake came in on this one with a bedroom type vibe. I wasn’t that impressed with it. I mean it’s still Drake so it still is good but I believe in more for him.
Track 14. Teenage Fever (Produced by Hagler)
Now this is the type of slow jam I wanted from him. You can expect to hear a sample from J-Lo 90’s track ‘ If You Had My Love’ within it too which makes this song more impressive because of all that happened between them two. I love it when Drake gets into this type of mood because you know feelings will end up everywhere and a good track will result from it.
Track 15. Kmt Feat. Giggs (Produced by Ness and Chef Pasquale)
Now this is where it gets controversial. XXXtentacion released ‘Look at me’ on SoundCloud on December 31st 2015. His flow in that song compared to this is very similar. While Drake disputes this XXX told XXL “”He could have reached out to me personally and spoken to me and it definitely would have been more respectable. But he dropped that preview and it sounded a bit like “Look At Me” and he could be a huge, huge help in this situation to get me out of jail, because I’m facing life. So that’s just how I feel,” Regardless of all of that though this still measures up as a very good song, especially with Giggs having the second feature now of the album. He references his song with JME ‘Man Don’t Care’ which was a very good reminder.
Track 16. Lose You (Produced by 40)
These types of Drake songs will always be my favourite. It’s literally when he just doesn’t stop rapping and you get to just get to see his talent. You hear his subtle reference to R Kellys ‘Ignition’ This song is up there.
Track 17. Can’t have everything (Produced by Jazzfeezy and Steve Samson)
Just like the track before, this song is just Drake rapping his life out. The premise of this song is supposed to be him realising that in life you can’t have everything. It ends with Drake’s mum (Sandi Graham) sending him a voicemail talking about his negativity, which could possibly point back to his diss track against Meek Mill.
Track 18. Glow Feat. Kanye West (Produced by 40 and Kanye West)
This is the biggest song Kanye West has done since his hospitalization, and he has still got it. His talent is still very relevant and he even sings in the chorus. Kanye and Drake go back to back in some and it is always so impressive when that happens. This has samples from “Devotion”, “6 8” and “Jungle” This song also had 18 writers in on it ,which is a lot for a normal song. A lot of work was put into making this song great.
Track 19. Since Way Back Feat. PartyNextDoor (Produced by G. Ry and PARTYNEXTDOOR and 40)
When Drake and PND come together, you know a hit is coming. They have been known to collaborate in the past with songs such as ‘Recognize’ so it was no surprise when they came together for this. This song even has samples from ‘Cipped wings’ by R.Kelly so you know this was meant to be a heavy love song. All in all I thought it all meshed in together very well.
Track 20. Fake Love (Produced by Vinlyz and Frank Dukes)
This was the single that teased the playlist itself. Drake samples ‘Back Stabbers’ by the O’Jays for Fake Love, which creates the club anthem we hear today. I don’t even have to say too much about it. But we all know this is going to carry through until the end of the year. Drake really killed it on this track.
Track 21. Ice Melts Feat. Young Thug (Produced by Supah Mario)
Personally, I think this should have been the single of the album. The reason being that Young Thug really pulled it off on this track. This song is a chart possibility and I think after this album Young Thug and Drake should do more work together. Drake comes in with a verse just to top it off.
Track 22. Do Not Disturb (Produced by Boi-1da)
By the same guy that produced 0-100. This song was the perfect ending to this playlist and I think it held a good resemblance to ‘30 for 30 Freestyle’. Drake just going bar for bar with himself while the instrumental is just smoothly pulling itself through.