Check Out This Visual Artist Shaking Tables In The Photography Scene

Najma Abdulle, 21, based in Birmingham combines quirky illustrations with her photographs. She photoshops constellations onto her selfies and pictures of outfits dripping ink.
Recently she created a photo series where she picked a selfie against a blue floral background, with the eyes cut out from the image that were embedded into the flowers- it’s a mesmerising piece of art and this unique artistic direction is what sets this visual artist apart from many.
‘When you love your own work, negative comments immediately don’t matter; even if I fear it, I still go for it because the only reason why I fear whatever I want to do, is because the idea is new and it’s something I haven’t ever done, giving me more reason to just go for it and do it! It’s always the work that I’m fearful of sharing that people respond well to and that’s what gives me the confidence to push forward.’
Realising there was something missing in the creative scene in her community, she teamed up with another photographer and together they created ‘The East Collective’. It is a clever initiative with the future notion to connect as many Muslim creatives worldwide, not only to share each other’s work but to have the chance to critique, collaborate and learn from one another, just a hashtag away.
As both a black and Muslim woman sometimes it is hard to find a place to feel accepted within these two communities, but she views both of her identities as a blessing. Her identity empowers her and finding people who share these qualities, she says, is the best feeling.