BKCHAT LONDON [@BKCHATLDN] Discusses The Social Issues Within The Popularisation Of Make-Up
![BKCHAT LONDON [@BKCHATLDN] Discusses The Social Issues Within The Popularisation Of Make-Up](https://guap.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/photo.jpg)
Now I’m not a fan of BK Chat LDN because I believe that their conversations are not always productive, and I believe that any platform involving black people need to convey messages that will uplift and enlighten people within our culture. But I do admire the way that they have been able to capture the attention of young people in the UK; including mine, generating conversation and inspiring people to create digital platforms of expression.
Season 2 Episode 8 was intriguing to watch because I find the topic of Cosmetics very interesting. Personally I did not wear make-up growing up because I grew up as a Tomboy and didn’t see the need to wear it. I am now twenty -one and my idea of looking fleeky is putting concealer under my eyes and dabbing my lips with some lip gloss.
Join the conversation, what do you think of the popularization of Make-up? #YayORNayToMakeUp
In this episode of BK Chat LDN I was very proud to watch these young adults talk about the deep rooted issues of the make- up industry and the pressure that social media is putting onto our young girls. The make-up industry has evolved, with trends within the celebrity radar trickling down to consumers because of the access that we have to their lives through the lens of social media. Society (most not all) want to dress like celebrities , look like celebrities and live like celebrities and this is the NEED that marketers feed off.
With images of public figures being forced down our throats every day “you start to become what you consume” and this could be detrimental to the development of young girls in this generation. Secondary school is a very important time in the development of self-esteem and self-worth and it’s sad to see that this stigma of wearing make-up has become prominent for most teenage girls. I knew there was an issue when I came across a girl in her school photo with a face full of make-up. In school there was a girl in my form that use to wear make-up and I use to steal her make-up bag from her so she couldn’t use it because I believed she looked beautiful without it.
“You Become What you Consume”
I studied Fashion and believe that trends are an important part of self-expression and the economy of the creative industries in general but this is a trend that could potentially leave a generation of young girls lacking self -confidence and general lack of understanding for what is real and what is perception.
I’m glad that the cast touched on the topic of marketers creating a need for us to buy into their products because it is the truth. Whether we like it or not these marketers are now using social media Influencers to push their products because these are the people pushing the trends. Social media is the medium to which brands promote their products because it is the platform that will generate the most exposure. Without us following these people the brands could not use social media to contaminate our social pages with subliminal messaging and social promoting. Instagram has now become a business platform used by brands and our young girls have become the by-product of these fraudulent standards of beauty.
Conversation is key to inflicting change on young females
I do not think there is anything wrong with people who wear make-up because I believe that females should be able to express themselves without judgement. But I do believe that make-up brands and public figures have a social responsibility to educate young females and to take time to enlighten females on the matter that make-up is FAKE. It is a form of enhancement and not a technique that should hide your identity. Young girls should not look to make-up to help with insecurities with their appearance.
We should encourage conversation and build knowledge around these issues because as a young teenager the chances are you will grow out of all the insecurities that you have. Young girls live your life and be proud of who you are because there is no-one who shares the same physical attributes as you. Well done to the BK Chat LDN team for covering this topic because I’m sure it helped a lot of young girls.
To check out the episode of BK Chat LDN click the link Below