5 Ways To Make Organising Your wardrobe A Part Of Your Self-Care Routine.

5 Ways To Make Organising Your wardrobe A Part Of Your Self-Care Routine.

 With self-isolation going on for longer than expected many of us are starting to feel pretty rough, we haven’t been able to do the small things that play a part in our self-care routines, getting our nails done, getting pampered at the spa, getting our hair cut, having a drink with the lads or ladies, completely understandable but there are a few self-care routines we can do from the comfort of our own homes, that in the long run will be great habits to implement. One underrated self-care task is organising your wardrobe. Here are a few tips on how you can make a seemingly boring task into something pleasurable, rewarding and leaving you feeling refreshed and good about yourself. 

1. Declutter your wardrobe, declutter your mind 

The first crucial step to organising your wardrobe and feeling great about yourself is decluttering! Instead of thinking your clothing is going to rot away forever, think about it as giving your clothing another home, donating your clothing can go to a good cause, either the money going to people in need or going straight to someone who may need it more than you do. Letting go can be a hard process, especially if your the kind of fashion hoarder that insists that skirt you haven’t worn in 3 years will come in handy at some point. Letting go of old and unnecessary things leaves room for new things and also room to value the things you already have without having to sieve through mountains of unzippable jeans and faded t-shirts with holes in them. To make this daunting task somewhat pleasurable throw on your favourite album you haven’t listened to in a while ( something you can sing along to works great) either that or listen to a podcast of choice. Killing two birds with one stone, this is an easy way to relax, declutter your mind and have some self-care time. 

8 Tips to Organize your Closet | India.com

2. Save and repair old gems

As I mentioned previously it can be hard to let go of items of clothes when they hold important memories to you or you still see some potential of rewearing them as the quality is still good, if this is the case and its not a complete lost cause, give yourself a project to personally fix and upcycle a few items your not ready to let go yet.  There are many online tutorials giving easy to follow tips on how to do simple clothing repairs, if your not the DIY kind of person, find a repair shop in your area and save money instead of buying the same thing again. 

Easy Clothing Repair Hacks To Try (If You Want To Avoid Buying New ...

3.Create a seasonal wardrobe 

There’s nothing worse than looking into a wardrobe jam-packed full of clothes and thinking ‘I have nothing to wear, we’ve all been through it and its a nightmare. A contributing factor to this can be having the wrong clothing for the season on display if its summer and your wardrobe is full of cosy knitted jumpers and puffer jackets, while your cute summer shirts, dresses and shorts and hidden in between, you certainly will think you have nothing to wear. This spring, clear out your winter clothes, saving a few jumpers and light jackets for the colder days and pack up the rest into a box or a suitcase and leave it out of sight. Once you do this, choosing clothes appropriate for the season will be much easier. Self-care is all about setting yourself up for dealing with challenges and making life that much easier. Reducing some of the daily stress from picking clothes, definitely counts as self-care. 

Spring Wardrobe Refresh - Homey Oh My

4. Colour co-ordinating is so satisfying 

Now this is maybe for the organising addicts and self-care pro’s but having a clean and organised wardrobe can be so satisfying in many ways, not only is it therapeutic but will make your mornings getting ready easier. Organising your wardrobe can start from having clothing categories, so when you’re looking for jeans you know just where to look. Going to the next level, colour co-ordinate your wardrobe, so when you’re looking to wear a specific colour you know exactly where to look. It’s these small things that may take you an hour to do that will save you energy in the morning and make you feel that bit more put together.  

Color Coordinating My Shoe Collection - YouTube

5. Make where you get dressed a space you want to be in 

We all have to get dressed every day, so why not make getting ready a nice experience. Make your dressing and wardrobe area aesthetically pleasing or just as a basic rule clean and tidy. A few ways to do this is adding a plant beside your wardrobe, getting refreshing scents in your wardrobe, cleaning your mirror regularly and dusting your wardrobe. Taking the time to clean and declutter your wardrobe space is the perfect self-care self-isolation task.

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