What I learnt from street style at Paris fashion week

No One can tell you how to dress
With Paris being one of the top fashion hubs of the world we have looked to Paris for our fashion inspiration, for what we should and shouldn’t wear. Digital media platforms such as Instagram and blogs have created a whole new world of opinion leaders with anyone having the ability to share their style and inspire others. While People watching in the streets of Paris I noticed people really embraced this.
Showing off the little details on your body can be sexier than accentuating the obvious.
We all know the obvious places to accentuate to up the sexy but sometimes more is less. There are so many curves and angles in our body that with a great fit can stand out and show off an item of clothing even better, collarbones are a great way to open up the body in a more covered outfit. With blazers being seen everywhere on the runway and the streets, accentuating and dramatically exaggerating your shoulders can be a great way to create the appearance of a smaller waist and just more drama to your outfit without doing too much.
Timeless pieces are better than 1-week throwaways.
Hearing designers and fashion editors from a different generation illustrats the difference modern society makes in our shopping happens, these designers and fashion editors talk about still having a leather jacket or blazer from their 20’s and it still looks great till this day. Investing in long-lasting good quality pieces is something we should all try in order to reduce our carbon footprint and excessive buying.
It’s okay to re-wear clothes
French fashion is all about having seasonal stand out key pieces and perfectly fit staples such as a good pair of mum jeans, a clean pair of boots or trainers and simple t-shirts ( you could be extra French and make it stripped ).