Trapstar London Releases ‘Enough Is Enough’ Merch In Honour Of the Black Lives Matter Movement

Over the weekend Trapstar London announced they will be releasing ‘Enough Is Enough’ merch in honour of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. As a black British company who’ve had first-hand experience with prejudice and racism, they are hoping to raise awareness and foster conversations around the fact that racism is a global issue, not exclusive to the United States. During this time in order to achieve lasting change people will be looking for the support of brands and influential individuals, to use their platforms to share information and donate to black communities.
Putting their money where their mouth is Trapstar has also released a statement to their 300k strong social media following, expressing solidarity with the #BlackLivesMatter movement in the wake of the murder of George Floyd as well as donating $5000 to the Black Lives Matter Global Network.

Featuring imagery and quotes from civil rights leaders Huey P. Newton, Malcolm X and Robert Brown Elliott, the new shirt is designed to boldly illuminate their message of frustration and express solidarity.
All proceeds from this release will go towards the following foundations; The #BlackLivesMatter Movement, The Stephen Lawrence Trust and The Official GoFundMe for Belly Mujinga.To purchase items from the collection head to Trapstar’s website