The Vogue Challenge Is Bringing Diversity & Inclusivity To The Fashion Industry

After the past few months being quite the ordeal for all of us but certianly for some more than others, British Vogue has dedicated its July 2020 issue to celebrating key workers that have kept the UK going during this challenging time.Workers including nurses, Midwifes and doctors, train conductors, supermarket workers, postmen and women. This month’s three cover stars include train driver Narguis Horsford; NHS midwife Rachel Millar; and supermarket assistant Anisa Omar – captured by photographer Jamie Hawkesworth in the middle of their shifts.
In true instagram spirit people have taken to social media and started the #Voguechallenge users are transforming pictures of themelves into very authentic looking Vogue covers.This trend is tearing down the walls of fashion and allowing it to be something consumed and used by the masses and really sells the idea of diversity and inclusion that is greatly needed in the fashion industy. We can all get involved and finally have that feeling of being on the cover of one of the world’s largest magazines.The fashion industry is known for its elitist structures and snobbish ways but challenges like this invite everyone to see themselves as a potential star of a Vogue cover. I hope this will be the future of fashion, inclusivity, diversity and good old fun.