The New Generation of Fashion

FAD (Fashion Awareness Direct) is a charity which helps young people make it in the fashion. Their programme equips young people with the skills, confidence and network to fulfil their aspirations in the industry. The designers who take part in the project also got the chance to show their designs in the most recent season of London Fashion Week.
Below are five of their talented designers who are all wearing their owns designs!
Meet Aaiza, 18 []

Meet Maria, 18 [@ _.marias]

Meet Silvy, 17 [@_silvyfernandes]

Meet Allainah, 17 [@Allainah_b]

Meet Favour, 19 [@Kenshat25] [@Kenshat_e ]

Creative Direction/Production: Maureen Kargbo
Photography: Giorgia Gray
Special thanks to Joanne Matthews