Sydney Lowell’s powerful rhythmic poetry tells stories that move

Amsterdam-born and bred artist Sydney Lowell has been writing poetry for thirteen years, and performing her work for the last six. Covering powerful themes with the purpose of connection, over recent years, she has been blending music into her poetic practice. Last month, her long-awaited EP, WORD, was finally released on Spotify, featuring Sydney Lowell’s original poems on music.
Following a strong debut of singles Prayer and Testament, WORD represents the culmination of a poetic triptych, offering a unique and intimate perspective on the transformative power of words. The title, “WORD,” holds a dual meaning, signifying both the English noun for letter arrangement and the Dutch verb for ‘become.’ In this EP, Lowell symbolically weaves together three essential chapters in their journey of self-discovery, all through the lens of their relationship with words.

The art of becoming is central to the EP. “Traces of my love crystalised everywhere I go. Because that’s the greatest testament of this life I could ever know,” she narrates in Testament. This feeling of legacy is interwoven throughout her lyrics. WORD poignantly delves into the art of honouring life and the narratives that live on beyond us.

Her voice is rich and soulful, and her words are impactful, yet soft. What Lowell does is offer her listeners a unique opportunity for introspection and a calm sense of clarity, amidst the turbulence of life.
A true wordsmith, Sydney Lowell has a clear wisdom in regards to the power language holds. This collection of poems will resonate with poetry enthusiasts and newcomers alike, offering a profound exploration of the capacity of words to heal, inspire, and transform.
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