[@Q2Trappy] says ‘Trust No One’

“Q2T, if you never knew that’s Q 2 Trappy”

Now let me not lie, I’d never heard of Q2T and stumbled onto the track on YouTube. When the song started I aw Ice City in the title I did a double take. To most when you hear Ice City you think Trapstar Toxic, J Styles, Fatz, Streetz, and you think rap.

Q2T is drill, and not that older 67 drill where it was closer to Chicago’s drill. Q2T is attacking the beat like the hungry newer wave of drill artists. But that Ice City influence is undeniable – the confidence, swagger, grittiness is well there. Additionally seemingly continuing on with the Ice City standard of nothing but the best beats and clean visuals. Speaking of the visuals what we see is the always united front of Ice City with cameos from the full team. It’s a nice touch showing the olders supporting the newer younger talent even if it’s not exactly the same as what they’re doing. This is a good start for Q2T and hopefully the start of some regular content from him.