Pyer Moss Is Planning A Drive-in Event For New York Fashion Week

Eager to showcase what the brand has been up to during lockdown creative director of Pyer Moss, Kerby Jean Raymond is planning to find a way to make sure the show goes on. Kerby Jean Raymond will be ambitiously planning a drive-in show for New York fashion week in September. This may come as a surprise to many of us but long time Pyer Moss fans are already familiar with the creative director’s ability to constantly show up and show out. Kerby Jean Raymond is known for his unique fashion shows sending out a clear message on behalf of the black community using his brand to showcase black talent and celebrate black culture.

Within the fashion industry, everyone has agreed fashion week will be missed but should be put on hold for the foreseeable future for the sake of health and safety. A lot of the options presented as to how designers can showcase the collections they have been working on, have come down to digital possibilities with virtual shows being a go-to option. Taking it to the future London fashion week council have already confirmed they will be holding a virtual gender-neutral fashion show. Desperate to hold onto the old school both through the brand’s aesthetics as well as in his authentic ideas to do a drive-in show. Pyer Moss is proving to be a brand ahead of its time and we’re sure to see a show-stopping spectacle from them one way or another.