Short Film by @RMMosesUK “Princess” Explores Beautiful Relationship of a Father and Daughter

The East London born filmmaker R.M Moses, best known for his work on Sapiens, Baddies & Signs of Silence, is back, this time exploring another diverse and under examined topic. There are around 2 million single parents in the UK, with the majority not in receipt of child maintenance payments, it’s no surprise that 41% of single parent families live in poverty.

This short but powerful piece directed by R.M Moses explores the mind of a young single parent in this generation. Introducing a perspective of fatherhood only known to a few. The bond between father and daughter is mighty powerful and this short documentary explores the secrets to being a single parent in today’s world. 

Being a single parent can be tumultuous at any stage in life and is often a feat that many soon to be parents dread but this piece illustrates how love is the overriding factor that makes it all worth while.

For any young single parents out there, please understand that you are not alone and there are many options for support and guidance on your journey. There are many websites such as that campaign, support and offers advice and guidance for all single parents.

Film Credits:

Director: R.M Moses

Produced By: R.M Moses Kadeem Antoine

Single Parent: Kadeem Antoine

Daughter: Aaliyah Hewitt

Interviewed by: Catherine Mills




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