GUAP 22 cover star Nifè, has taken the world of afro-dance by storm, by building a community that has celebration, joy, and dance at the heart of it. [@ItsJustNife]
Nifè is the cover star of GUAP 22 and we are honoured to celebrate her talent and hard work as an Afro-dancer, choreographer, and content creator.
Nife is a front runner within the TikTok creator community who has taken the world of afro-dance by storm, by building a community that has celebration, joy, and dance at the heart of it. Popularly known as It’sjustNife, the London-based dancer utilises her social following to share her skills, collaborate with industry peers and spread positivity. If you have found your siblings or friends dancing along to the latest afrobeat tunes, best believe they are following the steps of Nifè’s latest dance videos.
Over the last year, the shutting down of pubs and clubs has meant that dancing in one’s bedroom or car park has become the new norm. Quick and easy viral dances have kept us going and we’d all be lying if we said we hadn’t tried to perfect at least one viral dance routine in front of the mirror at home.

Oftentimes, the creators of these routines are left in the dust as their choreography spans continents, communities, and countries. Black dancers rarely get the recognition they so rightly deserve for sharing their skills on platforms to provide the world with so much joy. In this issue, we give Black TikTok creators their long-overdue flowers.
Nifè is the cover star of GUAP 22 and we are honoured to celebrate her talent and hard work as an Afro-dancer, choreographer, and content creator. Directed by GUAP’s very own Shenell Kennedy, in this spread we recreate the world of TikTok creators over the last year. After spending over a year in lockdown, people’s homes have become their office, rehearsal studio, and stage. In this dream-like sequence, photographed by Joe Puxley, we enter Nifè’s vibrant world of dance, performance, and style.
Tell us a bit about yourself. How did you get into social media?
I’m a dancer and content creator. I joined social media just like everyone else. To take pictures and connect with my friends. This is during the times when Instagram was all about photos. I didn’t intend to create content until videos were introduced. I started posting my dance videos on there, I was freestyling a lot at home on my iPad and began building a following.
What are some of the coolest things that you’ve done with your online presence?
I would say the coolest thing I have done is made a challenge that resonated with many people around the world and didn’t realise it was Afro. They did it anyway because they loved it so much.

What advice would you give to the younger people who want to do what you do?
Just do it. Word to Nike. Work with what you have and don’t overthink things and don’t wait for perfection.
How were you able to grow such a large following on social media?
Consistency is key and being patient. For me, it’s important to trust the process and keep creating content you love.
How do you handle media scorn and negative comments?
I don’t even know if I do. I take them as it comes. Luckily I’m blessed to not have received many negative comments but I deal with them as it comes. My skin gets thicker over time. I receive a lot of positive comments so I focus on that more.
How do you typically find inspiration for your videos or your choreography?
If I’m being honest there’s no typical way to find inspiration. I can get inspiration from many things. Someone can text me and words from the message can inspire me. Someone can be walking on the street wearing a certain outfit and that can inspire me.
Since we’re still in the midst of a quarantine, has this time period prompted you to find any new interests or hobbies?
Not really. My focus has been on dance. If anything I have been more interested in finding creative ways to express myself through dance.

How would you describe your dance style?
Chilled AF. I’m smooth with the dance moves. I like simplicity.
What can your fans look forward to in the upcoming year? Any future projects you can tell us about?
More great content. If you’re enjoying what you’re seeing now, expect a lot of it. Expect a lot more collaborations with dancers and content creators that I am a fan of.
What are some of your long term goals as an influencer?
The goal is to be comfortable and happy with myself. If that influences you to do the same then I’m good with that!
Talent: @itsjustnife
Photography: @joepuxley
Creative Direction & Production: @shenellkennedy
Makeup: @makeupbysimmi
Styling: @fxmii / bbystyl3
Styling Assistant: @milamhuynh
Set Design:
Set Design Assistant: @nadahmdd
Video Team: @joladeo @i.marqr @swrv.studios
Video Edited By: @i.marqr
Article By: @chelseamtada
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