My Tips On Navigating Loneliness in Lockdown this #BlueMonday

My advice on keeping your spirits up, when spending lockdown alone. #BlueMonday
The coronavirus pandemic has forcibly isolated us from our friends, family, communities, routines, and spaces that in the past made us feel the most seen and connected to the rest of the world. Now in the UK’s third lockdown, after a bleak Christmas period and less than celebratory New Year’s Eve. #BlueMonday comes on the third month of January this year and is deemed the most depressing day of the year. Why? It seems on this day, the last couple of months finally take their toll.
Your bank account is still recovering from Christmas shopping and Boxing Day sales. You may even be nursing the hangover and over-indulging that is only mandatory during the holidays. Feeling de-motivated with the grey skies and haven’t ticked any of those New Year’s resolutions. When you add a third National Lockdown on top of it, it’s fair to say that by the time #BlueMonday comes around, it just feels like another day.
Many of us have experienced loneliness to a certain degree; we are social creatures (introverts included). At some point, we need the people we love around us, to laugh at our jokes, hug us and reassure us that we are not alone in this. It’s a hard time for every single one of us, our lives have been turned upside down, and the government is telling us to go for a walk, to relieve our anxiety. As someone who is experiencing their 18th #BlueMonday of the year, check out my advice on getting yourself out of a rut, tried and tested.

Big Girls & Big Boys Should Cry The Most
Don’t wait for #BlueMonday to finally let it out. Whether it’s a sad movie, your Spotify playlist, or nostalgic pictures from pre-lockdown life. If you’re not very used to crying, find a moment to yourself and let the tears roll. The reason is that this physical release is a scientifically proven method to release any emotion or physical discomfort you’re feeling. Holding those tears in will only cause you more pain than necessary; let as much of it go and have a good snooze afterward.

Pick Up A Random Hobby/Activity With No Consequence or Reason
I’ve never painted in my life but at 2:00 AM after a #BlueMonday that had decided to make an early appearance, I decided that the following day I was going to spend the day painting a colouring book. It’s art that will never see the light of day but for three hours, I was able to tune it all out. The vast world of social media is all-consuming and it’s the only way it seems we can feel seen these days. With my little art project, I had the opportunity to do something that had no goal but to appeal to the child-like part of me. After three hours, I felt please with myself as I looked upon my completed work and walked away with the relief that there were no consequences. I did it just because I felt like it. Don’t get caught up with the pressure of starting a new business, learning a new language, and planting your indoor forest in lockdown. Remove the pressure and do the first thing that comes to mind, that you feel will make you feel just a little bit better.

Move Your Body
And no, I’m not saying you should train for a marathon. Instead, put your earphones on loud, queue up your favourite songs and have a concert in your bedroom. It may feel a little silly at first but if you’re feeling a little self-conscious, start off in bed. Lip sync to your favourite song and let loose. Maybe in a couple of weeks, you’ll want to get started on that marathon. In the meantime, just move those legs and arms. Don’t let that duvet trap you!
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