#MYOUTLOOK [@OutlookFestival] – Meet Crack Stevens (@crackstevens) the multi-talented advocate of many things.
As Outlook Festival is closely approaching, we decided to get up close & personal with some of our favourite acts from their amazing lineup. The first of our agenda is Crack Stevens.
1. Who is Crack Stevens?
Crackstevens is a Video Director & Producer an advocate of LGBT rights, Gender Equality, Human rights, Education & Political reform. Part of PDA, Dont Watch That Tv & NTS.
2. Why Crack Stevens?
Because I’m a huge Cat Stevens fan, when he changed his name i wanted to continue his legacy. It was easier to uses pseudonym than using my real name when I used to run my blog.
3. How did you get into DJing?
I filmed DJ’s for about 3 years on Just Jam and got encouraged by Tim (Tim&Barry) to learn for fun.The main urgency, we were throwing a night and it was a matter of paying one less person to come play tunes, so I learnt.
4. You’re a part of Just Jam London – how did that come about and how do you think that has helped to push your work?
I met Tim & Barry through the talent agency I was with at the time. Was the only job the agency ever got me actually. I’d studied film and the guys needed help to setup a new live streaming night. They needed a committed assistant and I needed an apprenticeship. As for how it’s helped my work? It’s put me in environments where I could learn, meet people and encouraged me to be myself.
5. You’re also a Director & Editor, is that something you’ve always had an interest in?
Yes, I’ve been assisting a few directors for the last 5/6 years, I studied film as part of my uni degree, then went to film school in America. My uncle used to be a Nollywood producer and my sister an actress so thats all I really have an interest in.
6. What been one of your favourite gigs you have played at?
I enjoy playing at Work It and PDA a night & Radio show I do with friends Mischa Mafia, Siobhan Bell & Larry B.
7. Favourite video you’ve done?
8. Biggest names you have worked with?
Not really sure how you quantify “biggest” I don’t really care much for celebrity or idols. But If biggest implies celebrity/artist type thing then I assisted on Bluku Bluku with Dizzie Rascal & D Double E or James blake & Trim or shot behind the scenes stuff of Kelis rehearsing. Personally though, one of the best experiences I’ve had was interviewing Mr Lemi Ghariokwu, the artist who was part of the Kalakuta republic and painted all Fela Kutis’ famed album sleaves.

9. What advice would you give your younger self?
You are beautiful, you are loved, you are important, take time to discover the things you like and dislike about yourself and try come to peace with them.
10. Where do you see yourself in upcoming years?
I want to be a good father who has nurtured a lifestyle his kids can always be around. That to me is success.