Looking to join this Generation of Creative Thinkers, @DandAD is Looking for you

D&AD New Blood Shift London
Talent doesn’t need a university degree, or A levels.
Talent pours our pints, serves our meals and delivers our post.
Talent works through the night, and dreams through the day.
Talent says the unsayable and makes the unmakeable.
Talent is relentless, unwavering, and indifferent.
D&AD is looking to nurture the next generation of extraordinary creative thinkers through its life-changing and career making night school.
What is D&AD New Blood Shift?
D&AD New Blood Shift is our intensive night school programme that places an emphasis on raw, untrained talent. Shift compels its students to make the best creative work of their life. This is accomplished through workshops, talks by those at the top of their game and real client briefs that show young minds how to apply their abilities and craft, and find paid opportunities and a route into a new career.
Shift runs from September to January. We meet two evenings a week and occasional Saturdays in agencies around London.
Applications for 2018 Now Open
If you’re over 18, don’t hold a degree level qualification and aren’t currently enrolled in one, apply for D&AD New Blood Shift. We want to see up to three examples of the sort of creative work that you already do. This might be design, a campaign concept, a piece of artwork, a video, some photographs, lyrics, a story…it’s up to you what you share with us. Learn how to use your creative abilities in a career in advertising and design.
Looking for some guidance or help with completing your application? Email shift@dandad.org to book a spot on our advice afternoon on 31 July at D&AD HQ, 64 Cheshire St, London E2 6EH.
Applications now open. Deadline 10 August 2018.