How Much Do You Know About Reproductive Health? Meet Malorie Bantala Who Looks to Change The Narrative of This Topic

Malorie Bantala, Founder of OWNIT.ORG from South London has curated a platform to increase awareness on reproductive health. As a Reproductive Rights Campaigner, she seeks to educate women under the age of 30 on reproductive rights and coercion. This topic is not arguably discussed as much as it should be, and Malorie looks to change this narrative by creating a safe space for women to gain this knowledge. We had the opportunity to catch up Malorie to gain an understanding of her inspiration, and where she looks to take OWNIT.ORG in the future.

What is the purpose of OWNIT.ORG?
“The purpose of the platform is to give young women the opportunity to discuss and learn more about reproductive health, reproductive rights as well as the use of coercion. In society now, this topic can often be misunderstood and can even be a taboo, especially within ethnic communities. We often feel embarrassed to openly discuss and issues we may face, which is why OWNIT.ORG provides a comfortable space for women to share their experiences.”
What is your motivation behind OWNIT.ORG?
“I ran a campaign in 2018 using the hashtag #amendCDlaw to raise awareness on the Child Destruction legislation which was introduced in 1929 as part of the Infant Life Act. I noticed that most women that I came across didn’t know their reproductive rights or how the law could protect them. This was the initial motivation behind OWNIT.ORG. Also, I noticed there was a niche in the market and instead of complaining I did something about it.”
Have you had the opportunity to connect with women that have benefited from organisations/services like OWNIT.ORG?
“No, not yet. I must admit I haven’t been consistent since I launched it due to personal circumstances. However, consistency is something that I’m definitely focused on improving. OWNIT is my second baby and I know that if I put 1000% focus into it, it’ll help many women.”
“Surviving the new normal” tell us more about this event, and how people will be able to benefit from attending?
“It’s no secret that I suffered a stillbirth at 21 and for me the experience was lonely & isolating. The reality is most people at that age are concerned about superficial things and are not emotionally equipped to handle such a tragedy. Unfortunately, I’m not alone and I remembered how the experience made me feel, all I wanted was to meet other people my age who could relate to my experience.
So I decided to organise Surviving the new “normal”, which is a workshop aimed at women under 30 who have experience child loss, whether it be from miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death. My aim is to help women learn how to manage their grief in a healthy way – also they will have a unique experience of meeting women of their age group that they are able to relate to. I’ve collaborated with a professional coach Shai Kurji (@compass_coach) to help provide coaching tools during the workshop. I’ve purposely decided to keep the numbers small and intimate because I want women to feel comfortable opening up.”
What do you have planned for the future/how do you look to expand OWNIT.ORG?
“I don’t want to plan too far ahead, I want to see how/where things go and whatever direction God takes me I’ll follow. There’s definitely more to come from OWNIT.ORG so watch this space.”
Malorie looks to bring such conversations to the forefront, seeking to highlight the importance of reproductive health, click here to find out more info on OWNIT.ORG’s next event. To keep yourself updated be sure to follow OWNIT.ORG on Instagram.