Gumball3000 – London to Tokyo

For all you racers, go getters and wine drinkers this news is for you..
Smash hit wine brand Luc Belaire are working with motor rally ‘Gumball 3000’ to celebrate their 20th Anniversary.
The route? London to Tokyo.
The rally kicked off Saturday 4th August until 12th August and started with a huge party at Proud Embankment, London.
The launch party unveiled some specially created Ferrari shaped bottle holders, which transported bottles of Belaire bubbly to VIP tables – including Giggs, Wretch 32, Jillionaire, DJ Ruckas and Eve.
The Belaire Ferrari carries up to 20 bottles and is the perfect fit for the car-loving petrol head crowd!
This action-packed route will be filled with car shows, music concerts and incredible events throughout and is certain to be our biggest adventure yet!
Gumball 3000 is an entertainment group combining the love of cars, music and racing all in one, allowing elite individuals to have an opportunity to discover and explore the world through adventures and racing.
Remember to stay in gear, if not you could stall and miss out on the petrol updates!