Five Documentaries To Revive Your Blackness

Five Documentaries To Revive Your Blackness


With more and more people being aware of the oppression of black people and the misinterpretation of black history. It is a great time to develop your understanding of black people and the challenges they have overcome globally. Self – taught education is the key to developing.healthy conversation amongst peers and igniting the thought process that will help black people arise the repression they  still face in 2017.  You do not have to be black to take an interest in black history.  Black history contains pivotal moments in history that has shaped the state of civilisation.

The History curriculum in schools in the UK, primary and secondary merely addresses the slave system and does not shed light on the history before the days of the slave trade. For years the oppressor has tried to tarnish Black history and wipe out it’s very existence.

You may think why should I care about black history ? Or is it really that important ? But it is important in understanding why black people are seen as inferior to whites & why the system thrives off of black people and ‘ethnic minorities’ failing. Why our black men thrive to be athletes instead of surgeons and why our vision for beauty as a black women is so far fetched from our natural being. The history of how black people have been treated and manipulated over time has had a huge influence on our current mental state and the misinterpretation of our role in society.

Here are five documentaries that will entice you into taking more interest into the history of black people.

  1. The 13th Directed by Ava Duvernay 
  2. Hidden colors Directed by Tariq Nasheed
  3. The Black Panthers- The Vanguard of the revolution Directed by Stanley Nelson
  4. The Black power Mixtape Directed by Goran Olsson
  5. Dark girls Girls Directed by Bill Duke & D. Chanasin Berry 

The knowledge that can be gained from learning about black history opens up many other questions into the state of our society. It stands as the foundation into starting discussions that explore money, prison, drugs and the class systems.


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