FACE THE FACTS – An Open Conversation About Why Your Vote Counts

In this Election season you may be confused as to what all the hype is about. If your still unsure about whether you should vote or why your vote will make a difference, attending events that promotes conversation could answer many of your questions. Face the Facts is an open conversation covering topics such as Manifesto pledges and the importance of using your power and voting. It is one thing registering to vote, but actually taking a political stance and casting your vote on polling day is the action that will make a difference. It’s important that the younger generation understand that this election will effect them directly especially those who are entering higher education who will graduate into a Brexit economy.
Although members of the BAME community ( Black Asian Minority Ethnic) are not highly represented in mainstream media across parliament. It is important that members of the BAME community vote. Not only because we have just as much of a right to voice our beliefs. But also because not voting gives those in power the opportunity to ignore us. Don’t let others decide your future.
To attend the Face the Facts event at The Mangle on Thursday the 25th of May Register here for a free ticket bit.ly/facethefacts
Voting registration closes tonight at 23:59! Register at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote