5 Songs you need to listen to this week. | @KwaziCort, @SinForCalais, @SNE____ & More
The song’s we been banging through our speakers this week.
This November Punch Touring are bringing one of the most highly rated new voices of this generation, the Grammy-award winning BRIDGET KELLY to the UK.
The guy who makes everything from his mouth.
5 Songs you need to listen to this week. | @Taliwhoah, @Goldlink, @Che_Lingo & More
Our list of song’s you wont stop listening to after this.
5 Songs you need to listen to this week. | @Taliwhoah, @Goldlink, @Che_Lingo & More
Our list of song’s you wont stop listening to after this.
Watch: The MOBO Awards 2015 Performances (@moboawards)
Couple days ago The MOBO Awards 2015 took place and with it we had several amazing performances. In case you missed it here they are:
#GUAPPREMIERE This is what happens when GTA meets Music | Lord Apex (@senseiapex) “Live from Los Santos” Tape
Introducing Lord Apex, with his new Grand Theft Auto inspired tape, “Live From Los Santos”.
#GUAPPREMIERE This is what happens when GTA meets Music | Lord Apex (@senseiapex) "Live from Los Santos" Tape
Introducing Lord Apex, with his new Grand Theft Auto inspired tape, “Live From Los Santos”.
#GUAPPREMIERE: Watch ALXA (@ALXAMUSIQ) debut video “Let Go”
Introducing ALXA,the 21 year old singer from North London, who could be the reincarnation of Adele and a pinch of Amy Winehouse, with her debut video “Let Go”.
#GUAPPREMIERE: Watch ALXA (@ALXAMUSIQ) debut video "Let Go"
Introducing ALXA,the 21 year old singer from North London, who could be the reincarnation of Adele and a pinch of Amy Winehouse, with her debut video “Let Go”.
Unleash the Fashion: Kojey Radical (@kojeyradical) announces new brand release “Francis And The Artist”
“Those who will, and those who actually will.”
Unleash the Fashion: Kojey Radical (@kojeyradical) announces new brand release "Francis And The Artist"
“Those who will, and those who actually will.”