“When I was growing up, I would have loved to see imagery like this. It gives me a sense of belonging.” -Cameron Ugbodu

“When I was growing up, I would have loved to see imagery like this. It gives me a sense of belonging.” -Cameron Ugbodu

New Mo(nu)ments is the first solo exhibition by Nigerian-Austrian artist Cameron Ugbodu following their migration to London from Vienna. The artist tells Chelsea Mtada about their journery to creating New Mo(nu)ments and the importance

A clearer look at “Cancel Culture.”

A clearer look at “Cancel Culture.”

Cancel culture, simply put is denouncing people (usually those with status) for offensive behaviour or words. Contribution by Kene Obienu. Cancel culture, simply put is denouncing people (usually those with status) for offensive



Contribution by Poppy Hawkes. With the closing of Rebel Dykes Art & Archive Show, gallery invigilator and CSM Fashion Journalism student Poppy Jasmine Hawkes, reflects on the importance of lesbian inclusivity. I’ve

Languid Hands x Flat 70 in conversation about Frieze London, Creative Expression &  Black Queerness in Art [@friezeofficial]

Languid Hands x Flat 70 in conversation about Frieze London, Creative Expression & Black Queerness in Art [@friezeofficial]

After a year-long hiatus, Frieze London returned to Regent’s Park last weekend to display some of the best galleries in the world.  The art community came together to celebrate some of contemporary

Here’s what went down at the  Red Bull Half Court [@Redbullhalfcourt] finals in Rome

Here’s what went down at the Red Bull Half Court [@Redbullhalfcourt] finals in Rome

Last weekend on October 17th 2021, GUAP took front row seats to watch the world’s fastest 3on3 basketball tournament – Red Bull Half Court. Red Bull Half Court is a global streetball

Meet GUAP’s Top 30, Under 30 Black Creatives & Professionals for Blacklist 2021  [@adidasLondon]

Meet GUAP’s Top 30, Under 30 Black Creatives & Professionals for Blacklist 2021 [@adidasLondon]

Come Fly With GUAP & adidas for this year’s Blacklist 2021. To celebrate Black History Month, The Blacklist has returned for its fourth year celebrating Black talent across different industries in partnership

Make Outrage Great Again

Make Outrage Great Again

The outrage coming up on my feed felt performative, every day there was something new to be angry about, post about, that it all felt overwhelming and I just couldn’t keep up.

To be, or not to be…  mentally stable whilst due on my period?

To be, or not to be…  mentally stable whilst due on my period?

Is the question every woman will ask themselves during the luteal phase of their menstrual cycle, right? Contribution by Charissa Halsey. Wrong. But if you do find yourself anxiously worrying about the

GUAP 24 – The Author’s Edition

GUAP 24 – The Author’s Edition

The Power of Storytelling is proved by GUAP 24 cover stars; Chelsea Kwakye, Ore Ogunbiyi and Sophia Thakur. On the first Wednesday of Black History Month 2021, we welcomed the long-awaited reveal

A Means To No End. Making It In The Creative Industry; 21st Century Ghanaian Creatives’ Journey In Focus.

A Means To No End. Making It In The Creative Industry; 21st Century Ghanaian Creatives’ Journey In Focus.

Ghana is a country blessed with diverse cultural heritage and prestige but still has a long way to go when it comes to the creative industry. Contribution by Boakye D. Alpha. Being

Are Women Safe On Our Streets?

Are Women Safe On Our Streets?

Our rape alarms will not save us from sexual assault. The police and the government need to take violence against women more seriously. When the politicians that rule this country and the

In this space, Yayoi Kusama’s art became real-life therapy, a saving grace, for a feeling that many people have not survived. 

In this space, Yayoi Kusama’s art became real-life therapy, a saving grace, for a feeling that many people have not survived. 

A visit to the Tate's Yayoi Kusama exhibition prompts the question 'When will society take creative/art therapy more seriously?'