A bank holiday to remember #Carnival2017 #NHC17

A bank holiday to remember #Carnival2017 #NHC17
Every year to mark the end of summer people from all over London come together for a 2day event… Notting Hill Carnival.

It’s known for its bright colours, dancing policemen and basically half naked people dancing around on the streets of London. The best thing about Carnival is that it brings everyone together – no matter the race, gender or age; everyone comes together on that bank holiday weekend to celebrate life, culture, fashion and most importantly the diversity in London.

As this is the fashion section we definitely have to talk about outfits. One thing about carnival is that no outfit is too much – the typical outfit is a costume which has all types of jewels on it, paired with head gear, thigh gear and sometimes if lucky matching trainers. This year Red Bull UK [@RedBullUK] [@RBMA] had one of the best floats, not only because they had @Wizkidayo and @DJ_PMontana on the line up but they dressed up popular youtubers in red and blue sparkling costumes, which included the amazing Nella Rose [_NellaRose], Annie Drea [@AnnieDreaXO] and Aliyah Maria [@aliyahmariabee].

Despite the main stream media outlets trying to put a negative stamp on the carnival, it is nothing but dancing, uniting and music from all over the world.

Shout out to all the people who design the costumes – because those costumes are out of this world, it basically takes you to the Caribbean for free, and who doesn’t like free things.

Now enjoy the hand selected pictures of #carnival2017 #NHC17

P.s If you believe you had a banging look for carnival this year, show it to us by captioning your post on Instagram with #guaplooks for the chance of a shoutout on our fashion page @GUAPLooks.

We would love to see your outfits!


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