R&B Songstress [@EttaBond] is back to look beneath the ‘Surface’ alongside [@A2Artist]

Two of the UK’s most elusive artists link up again for new smooth track ‘Surface’.

“Seem like something straight out of a dream, but there’s always/ Something hiding underneath”

Fans of Etta Bond have undoubtedly been wondering when new music would come from her, and after a long wait Etta has dropped ‘Surface’. In this climate where we are all too often flooded with music by our favourite artists, this seemingly silent period from Etta begged the question as to where she was. Well clearly she was working, 5 months ago having featured on TDE star SiR’s track ‘Something New’. But in between then and now release wise, Etta has been quiet. But clearly, she’s been in the studio working having linked up with longtime producing collaborator Raf Riley and the equally elusive character that is A2. The trio has previously worked together on Etta Bond’s track ‘Never Did’ which really showed the potential the trio have when working together so to see them back with another track together was great, but more than that it built anticipation.

Simply reading the artist names together was more than enough to spark intrigue, as well as hope. Hope that ‘Surface’ could live up to the promise shown in their previous collaboration.

“Yeah you’re pretty but/ Show me what’s beneath your surface/ I wanna know you/ I don’t need to check the ‘gram I’m the one who took the photo”

With artists of this calibre is it really any surprise that they delivered yet another hit. ‘Surface’ is a much more mellow feeling track than their previous outing. Yet it was equally, if not more, impactful than their last offering. Here Etta really struts her vocal stuff whilst delivering an important message, especially in this era of social media interaction and encounters. Etta discusses trying to know more than just what you can see on the ‘gram, pointing out the importance of getting to know someone deeper than just what people can see.


The enigma A2 echoes the message of Etta but also discuss elements of personal growth, of course, delivered in his immediately recognisable style. His gruff vocals provide a contrast to Etta on the final chorus, and the two harmonise together in a way that really shouldn’t work together but it just does. This is a trio that we need to see more work from, they really create sounds that should be championed regardless of what the most popular sound at that moment is. The trio of Raf Riley, Etta Bond, and A2 working in conjunction with each other have yet to release a bad song – but equally the songs they have released haven’t necessarily reached the masses they should have.

“You just barely scratch the surface girl I’m way too deep”

The visuals on this one are kept relatively simple with a black and white effect running throughout. This makes the visuals pop out and have slightly more of an effect as we are forced to focus on the images that are being thrown our way which reflect the message of the song. Throughout we see hinted at, and sometimes overt depictions of the surface perception not being the full story forcing us to challenge our perceptions.

Hopefully, there is more to come both collaboratively and individually from all those involved in ‘Surface’. Stay tuned here at GUAP for more releases like this as well as more features of quality emerging talent.