[@KofiStone_ ] gives us some inspirational truths for 2018

Young 24 year old Kofi brings some inspirational vibes as we enter 2018.

With videos up on platforms like Link Up TV, Kofi is one artist we be watching closely.

It is refreshing to know that the future of UK Hip Hop is propped up by artists that still want to create music with a personal and motivational message – right where Hip Hop began.


Kofi says,

I look around and its like everybody’s got their shit together / my brother’s 23 and he just went and got a mortgage got me thinking about my future.

Then repeats

You can be a baller on the team if you want / You can be the model on the scene if you want / This is your world we can be what you want / but nothing ain’t / nothing ain’t / nothing ain’t free


Let me know what you think!
