GUAP Premiere: 19-year Old filmmaker Amina Humphreys On ‘Love Lines’- A Short Film About Young Love & Relationships [@Amina_Humphreys]
We interview Amina Humphreys on her short film ‘Love Lines’.
The project follows two people on their first date. Humphreys’s said “I wanted it to feel as natural as possible. A little secret about the film, the two people had never met before until that day of filming and the vibes were everywhere.”
Tell us a little about yourself?
My name is Amina Humphreys, I’m from Reading and I’m a 19-year-old freelance filmmaker/ photographer. my short film follows a couple on their first date, and we explore their views on Love.
What inspired you to do what you do?
I know it cliché to say but everything inspires me. The way people interact, art, music, life itself in all its ugliness and beauty, I try to put that into my work. I also want to see more female POC in the film industry not just acting but producing and directing so I thought I should be the change I want to see in world, that inspires me every day.
What was the biggest challenge when creating this film?
If I’m honest this was the easiest project I have directed. The hardest thing was probably doing the subtitles. I had never done subtitles before, but I wanted to use them as it gave me the French movie feel and also meant that was inclusive for people with hearing impairments.

What was the funniest thing that happened on set?
The funniest thing was probably the amount of times I stumbled into people whilst filming, art galleries are quite busy and my clumsiness did not yet, however it created great entertainment for the cast.
What are some of the highlights/successes you’ve had most recently?
A personal highlight for me recently would be I’m now getting commissioned for my work and am booking more paid shoots which were something a few months ago I didn’t think was in my reach so I’m really proud of how far I’ve come.
What’s next for you on your journey?
Without a date making more short films and perusing a career in creative direction. I hope to go full time in this.
What would be your advice to other young film makers?
There are no wrong ideas or questions, take risks, and don’t forget the people that helped you along the way, Less is more and most importantly stick to your guts, be confident in your choices and trust yourself and others will too.
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